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"Messengers and Cyber ​​Security: How to Protect Your Data in the Digital World"

 "Messengers and Cyber ​​Security: How to Protect Your Data in the Digital World"

In today's digital world, messengers have become an integral part of our lives, helping to keep in touch with loved ones, friends and colleagues. However, with the growing popularity of online communication, the number of risks associated with the protection of personal data also increases. Is your favorite messenger really secure enough? How does encryption work and can information leakage be avoided?

In this post, we'll take a look at how modern messengers keep user data private, break down the basics of encryption, and learn about the most common cyber threats. You'll get practical tips for improving the security of your accounts, the importance of two-factor authentication, and which platforms are considered the most secure. This information will be useful to anyone who wants to feel confident in the world of digital communication.

Here are 23 hashtags that would work for this video:

  1. #Messengers

  2. #Information Security

  3. #ShoPoKodu

  4. #SafeCommunication

  5. #Cybersecurity

  6. # Encryption

  7. #Privacy

  8. #OnlineZahist

  9. #Interview

  10. # Technologies

  11. #DigitalSafety

  12. #Protection of Data

  13. #MessengerSecurity

  14. #ShoPoKoduYutub

  15. #Conversation with the Expert

  16. #PoradiZBezpeki

  17. #DigitalWorld

  18. #ITConversations

  19. #YutubUkraine

  20. #How to Protect Data

  21. #Social Networks

  22. #ШоПоКодуInterview

  23. #SafetyOnline

These hashtags are aimed at improving the search and engagement of an audience interested in the topic of information security and messengers.

SEO Name:
"Messengers and Information Security: Interview with an Expert | What About Code E21"

Alternative name:
"How to Protect Your Data in Messengers — Tips from a Cyber ​​Security Expert"

In this episode of Sho Po Kodu, we dive into the world of messengers and their security. Together with an experienced information security expert, we analyze which platforms best protect your data, how message encryption works and why your privacy matters. Learn how to choose a safe messenger and avoid common mistakes in digital communication!

In this episode of Sho Po Kodu, we talk about how secure modern messengers are. Our guest is an information security expert who explains how message encryption works, what risks are hidden behind popular platforms and how to protect your data from being leaked. You will learn how to choose the most reliable messenger for communication, what to pay attention to in privacy settings and what habits will help keep your personal data safe.

Information security is not only about technology, but also about a conscious approach to online communication. Choosing the right messenger, using strong passwords, and two-factor authentication are steps that can significantly reduce your risks. Remember: your privacy is your responsibility. Follow the advice of experts and be sure of the safety of your data in the digital world!

Bibliography, literature and resources for independent study:

  1. Books:

    • Bruce Schneier, "Practical Cryptography". This book explains the basics of encryption and how it works in modern systems, including instant messaging.

    • Kevin Mitnick, "The Art of Deception". Social engineering research and protection against it.

    • Joseph Hall, "Digital security for everyone". Simple tips for users to protect their personal data.

  2. Articles and online resources:

  3. Podcasts and Videos:

    • "Modern cryptography and its role in security", podcast from Crypto101.

    • A series of videos on the YouTube channel Computerphile, dedicated to information protection and encryption principles.

  4. Courses:

    • "Introduction to Cybersecurity" on the platform Coursera (a program from Cisco).

    • "Applied Cryptography" on Udemy, which provides a deep understanding of encryption in modern systems.

    • Free course Cyber Aware from OpenLearn (Open University).

  5. Tools for practice:

    • Signal – an open and secure messenger for testing end-to-end encryption.

    • KeePass – a password manager that ensures the security of your credentials.

    • Tails OS – an operating system for safe surfing and confidential communication.

These materials will help you gain a deeper understanding of the topic of information security and learn how to protect your data in the digital environment.

Here are 10 of the best cyber security communities and groups to learn more, get practical advice and support:

1. OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)

  • A well-known organization that specializes in web application security. They have regional branches, active forums, and lots of open resources.

  • https://owasp.org

2. ISSA (Information Systems Security Association)

  • International community of experts in the field of information security. They offer conferences, trainings and support for beginners.

  • https://www.issa.org

3. HackerOne Community

  • A group where vulnerability scanning professionals are concentrated. An ideal platform for introducing bug bounty and security testing.

  • https://www.hackerone.com

4. Cybersecurity Ventures Insider

5. Reddit: r/cybersecurity

6. The Cyber Mentor Discord

7. Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS)

  • A community supporting women in cyber security. Organizes events, courses and networking meetings.

  • https://www.wicys.org

8. SANS Internet Storm Center

  • A group of cyber security researchers engaged in threat analysis and dissemination of educational materials.

  • https://isc.sans.edu

9. CybHER Community

  • A community for beginners and experienced cyber security professionals with regular webinars and workshops.

  • https://cybher.org

10. No More Ransom Project

  • Global Initiative to Combat Ransomware Attacks. They offer tools for decoding files and a community to discuss protection against such attacks.

  • https://www.nomoreransom.org

These groups cover a wide range of topics, from news to practical challenges and professional development, making them useful for any level of cyber defense experience.

Here are 50 hashtags grouped by topic that cover different aspects of cyber security, messengers and digital security:

1. General cyber security:

  1. #Cybersecurity

  2. #Information Security

  3. #Protection of Data

  4. #DigitalSafety

  5. #OnlineZahist

  6. #SafeInternet

  7. #Cyberprotection

  8. #CyberAttacks

  9. #PrivacyOnline

  10. #DigitalHygiene

2. Messengers and encryption:

  1. #Messengers

  2. # Encryption

  3. #EndToEndEncryption

  4. #SafeCommunication

  5. #Privacy of Messengers

  6. #MessengerSecurity

  7. #Encrypted Messages

  8. #TelegramSafety

  9. #WhatsAppSafety

  10. #SignalApp

3. Practical tips and tools:

  1. #Two-factor authentication

  2. #StrongPasswords

  3. #Password Managers

  4. #Antivirus

  5. #VPN

  6. #CyberTools

  7. #Protect Applications

  8. #Security Testing

  9. #BugBounty

  10. #Security of Mobile Applications

4. Training and resources:

  1. #CoursesCybersecurity

  2. #CyberLiteracy

  3. #PoradiZBezpeki

  4. #CyberLearning

  5. #BooksWithSafety

  6. #BlogCybersecurity

  7. #CyberSecurityEducation

  8. #Learning Online

  9. #CyberSpecialist

  10. #ТрениныгЗБезпекы

5. Social aspects and trends:

  1. #БезпекаДитейОнлайн

  2. #Protection of Personal Data

  3. #CyberBullying

  4. #Social Engineering

  5. #DigitalWorld

  6. #SafeOnlineShopping

  7. #Cybercrimes

  8. #SafetyNews

  9. #DigitalCulture

  10. #Cybersecurity trends

This classification will help you find the right audience, depending on the topic of your content.


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