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Maintainers and Influencers in Crypto Projects: Who Are Ambassadors and Why Are They Important?


Maintainers and Influencers in Crypto Projects: Who Are Ambassadors and Why Are They Important?

The world of cryptocurrencies is evolving at a rapid pace, and with it, the roles played by participants in the ecosystem are diversifying. Among new terms like maintainers, influencers, and ambassadors, it is crucial to understand what lies behind these roles and what influence these individuals have on crypto projects.

In addition, in a decentralized environment, the code of ethics plays a special role. It serves not only as a recommendation but also as the foundation of trust in a world where data and reputation are key assets.

Who Are the Maintainers in Crypto Projects?

Maintainers are developers and leaders of technical teams who support, update, and advance blockchain platforms, decentralized applications (dApps), and smart contracts.

Their main responsibilities include:

  1. Managing the codebase: This involves overseeing repositories (e.g., GitHub), reviewing pull requests, and ensuring code quality.

  2. Solving technical issues: They implement changes to maintain network stability or enhance functionality.

  3. Participating in decision-making: Some maintainers serve on governing boards of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and contribute to project strategies.

Example: The Ethereum Foundation collaborates with maintainers to support and develop updates for the Ethereum network, such as the transition to Proof-of-Stake.

Influencers: Marketing or Manipulation?

Influencers are public figures who promote crypto projects on platforms like YouTube, Twitter (now X), and Telegram. Their role is twofold:

Positive Impact:

  • Sharing information about projects.

  • Educating audiences through reviews and tutorials.

  • Attracting new users and investors.

Risks of Manipulation:

  • Promoting tokens without disclosing sponsorship.

  • Engaging in "pump-and-dump" schemes (artificially inflating prices before selling assets).

Example: Influencers like BitBoy Crypto have faced criticism for promoting questionable projects.

Who Are Ambassadors in Crypto Projects?

Ambassadors are community representatives who serve as the face of a project, fostering development and building trust. Unlike influencers, they often work voluntarily or under minimal sponsorship, representing the project rather than their personal interests.

Main Responsibilities of Ambassadors:

  1. Educating the audience: Hosting workshops, webinars, and answering questions for newcomers.

  2. Creating content: Writing blogs, translating documentation, and crafting memes for social media.

  3. Engaging with the community: Moderating chats, organizing meetups, and managing DAO voting.

Ambassadors act as the "voice of the project," boosting its visibility in regional and global markets.

Code of Ethics in Crypto: Is There a Place for Morality?

In a decentralized and often anonymous environment, the crypto space attracts not only enthusiasts but also scammers. Ethical principles are critical for protecting communities and maintaining trust.

Core Elements of a Code of Ethics:

  1. Transparency:

    • Developers and teams must be open with their communities.

    • Partnerships and revenue sources should be disclosed.

  2. Accountability:

    • Influencers must disclose the promotional nature of their posts.

    • Maintainers should prioritize security to prevent hacks.

  3. Privacy:

    • Respect user confidentiality.

    • Avoid misusing user data.

  4. Prohibition of Market Manipulation:

    • Participants should avoid pump-and-dump schemes and insider trading.

Example: Projects like Cardano and Polkadot actively develop internal ethical guidelines to define how teams and ambassadors interact with users.


The roles of maintainers, influencers, and ambassadors in the crypto space are distinct yet complementary. Maintainers ensure technical stability, influencers drive popularity, and ambassadors foster trust within the community.

However, their actions must adhere to ethical standards, as user trust is the cornerstone of any blockchain ecosystem. This raises the question: How effectively can the crypto community safeguard its values while minimizing risks of manipulation?


#Cryptocurrencies #Maintainers #Ambassadors #Influencers #Blockchain #Ethics #CryptoProjects #Decentralization #DAO #Web3


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