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Torture and Rape in Russian Colonies: Who and Why Leaked What Everyone Knew About?

The scandal of torture and rape in Saratov's Federal Penitentiary Service TB Hospital No. 1... A little more than a couple of words. 

As you know, this week the Gulagu.net project handed over to several publications video footage showing torture and rape in the FSIN TB hospital No. 1 in Saratov. This topic received a wide resonance and now only lazy man is not talking about it. But I would not pay too much attention to it yet. And here is why.

It is well known that I have devoted quite a few of my materials to the work of the Russian secret services, and no matter how many people criticize them, given the series of failures and spectacular leaks, from Salisbury to the bombings in Vrbetitsa, it is worth admitting that they work. And it is inside Russia that they work really hard, and all the failures that have taken place outside of Russia are the consequences of interagency competition.

In fact, if I tell you that in Russia they have always tortured, raped and tortured prisoners, would I shock you? If I told you that the methods of interrogation in Russia haven't changed since the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible, would I surprise you?

As Vladimir Putin's autocracy has more and more morphed into a neo-totalitarian form of government, the impunity and lawlessness of the security services has become more and more pervasive.

Therefore, torture in today's Russia? This is an everyday occurrence that neither Solovyov, nor Skabeyeva, nor Kiselyov, nor anyone else will show on federal channels.

And now, something that was already well known to everyone is made public in a country where the control of the security services over society is so deep that it would be impossible to even imagine such a publication. If only the power structures themselves had not facilitated this leak.

You have to understand that if this kind of information is published in Russia, somebody needs it and it is much more interesting than just an ephemeral manifestation of freedom of speech in Russia. Independent journalism... In Russia? 

This is precisely why I give more preference to observing what is going on from the outside so that I can dot my i's and cross my t's without rushing around exclaiming, "What a nightmare!" Not a nightmare. The harsh reality of modern Russia. But who needs to expose this nightmare, which has been carefully concealed in the depths of the country for years, and for what purpose, we will find out some time later. Carefully observing the events in the background.

After all, we do not forget that the FSIN is in the hands of the Ministry of Justice, the FSB, and the odious speaker Volodin is also in the crosshairs for the campaign. Therefore, we are dealing with a carpetbagger, which requires both restraint and attention to detail.

Which I also recommend to you.  

Source : https://zloy-odessit.livejournal.com/3627943.html

*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


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