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Сообщения за октябрь, 2021

Wrote, so what?

  Wrote, so what? By   Petr & Mazepa 4  min View Original So Zelensky went and once again violated the law.  But he did not leave, of course, because this is not accepted by offenders at all - but he sits and uses the fruits of his creativity.  And I am writing about it.  And in response I often hear: I wrote, so what? Sometimes Zelensky arranges a Sabbath in the Verkhovna Rada.  It's not difficult at all when you have a faction the size of an aircraft carrier.  He takes it and has fun until he sat down. Other deputies interfere with him, someone writes about this delightful process.  No, not me, I'm already tired of it.  But you already know what will happen in the comments.  The same phrase - well, you wrote, and so what?  Zelensky will get scared and run away, right? I am responsible for myself and the others: no, it will not be scared.  And he won't run away.  Moreover, if you reduce your opposition activities...

Звезда TikTok Белла Порч — о новых стандартах красоты, дебютной песне и о том, как социальные сети влияют на самооценку

  Звезда TikTok Белла Порч — о новых стандартах красоты, дебютной песне и о том, как социальные сети влияют на самооценку   By   Hattie Collins  vogue.ru 6 min View Original Чтобы понять феномен Беллы Порч, сначала нужно взглянуть на цифры.  10,6 миллиона подписчиков  в инстаграме,  67,7 миллиона фолловеров  (сейчас она занимает  третье место  в списке главных тиктокеров планеты после  Чарли Дамелио  и  Эдисон Рае ) и полтора миллиарда просмотров в TikTok — всего этого юной звезде соцсети удалось добиться чуть больше, чем за год. Читайте также Как Чарли Дамелио стала звездой TikTok потому, что просто была собой  Douglas Greenwood Популярность ей принесло видео, записанное под песню M To The B (в оригинале —   трек  рэперши Millie B), которое стало главным  хитом тиктока  в 2020-м. «Да, оно набрало кучу лайков, — смеется Порч. — Но для меня они ничего не значат. Я просто счастлива, что людям нр...

How I fell in love with the cheating cat and what did it lead to

  How I fell in love with the cheating cat and what did it lead to By   BBC 10  min View Original The BBC correspondent became attached with all her heart to the cat, who got into the habit of coming to her garden, and then to her house.  The cat clearly needed human attention, and he was getting it.  But then he disappeared.  Enisa Sabedar began her search and discovered a strange thing. It began about a year and a half ago, when, on a hot summer evening, a melodic meow was heard outside my kitchen door, and I saw two huge burning eyes. The cat did not jump to the side when I approached him.  Moreover, when I bent down to stroke him, he did not mind at all.  He obviously liked it when I spoke to him like a child - you know, with that stupid intonation with which we sometimes talk to other people's children. When I stroked his head and gray furry ears, he fell on his back and offered me his soft tummy, purring loudly with pleasure. In gratitude fo...
  Sniper wound ballistics By   oruzheika.blogspot.com 5  min View Original But there are still knowledge gaps and differences of opinion when it comes to the impact of a rifle bullet.  Corporal Sanow and I once discussed this topic at length, exchanging personal observations and experiences.  In Sanou's view, rifle bullets, with a residual velocity of more than 1200-1300 feet per second, would result in temporary wound cavity injuries, different from permanent wound channel injuries.  I share his opinion that the impulse to form a cavity from a rifle bullet is so sharp, sudden, intense and extensive that it can detach tissue from bones, cause hemorrhage or bruising of blood-filled organs, and even rupture veins and arteries. BRG Kaplan, M.D., told me that there is no doubt that supersonic bullets (over 3000 feet per second) cause significant tissue damage through cavity formation - an opinion widespread in the wound ballistics community.  Modern concep...